2023 Legislative Session

Legislation that the NMVMA is monitoring:
Click the bill number for more information, such as bill introduction and committee assignments.

HB 47
Rural Health Care Project Revolving Fund
Relating to health; authorizing the New Mexico Finance Authority to make rural health care project loans; establishing terms for rural health care project loans; creating the rural health care project revolving fund; providing powers and duties; requiring reports; making an appropriation.

HB 82
Student Loan Bill of Rights Act
Relating to financial institutions; enacting the Student Loan Bill of Rights Act; providing for a student loan service’s license; delineating the duties of a student loan servicer; giving administrative responsibility and enforcement power to the financial institutions division of the regulation and licensing department; providing for discharge of private education loans upon a showing of permanent disability; requiring that alternative repayment options be offered to borrowers equally; providing rights for cosigners, including notice and access to information; providing for cosigner release; prohibiting certain acceleration of private education loans; creating the position of student loan ombudsman; defining certain violations of the student bill of rights as unfair and unconscionable trade practices; creating  a private right of action; creating the student loan bill of rights fund; making an appropriation.

HB 153
Livestock Larceny Separate Offenses
Relating to crime; providing that each animal stolen by a person constitutes a separate offense of livestock larceny.

HB 201
Extend Certain Board Sunset Dates
Relating to professional licensure boards’ extending the termination date of the licensure boards for dental health care, veterinary medicine, architects, professional engineers and professional surveyors, public accountancy and funeral services; eliminating the termination date of the licensure board for optometry, podiatry, pharmacy and acupuncture and oriental medicine; amending and repealing sections of the NMSA 1978.

HB 205
Meat Inspection Act
Relating to Food; enacting the meat inspection act; authorizing the New Mexico Livestock Board to conduct meat inspections to ensure the safety and quality of meat for human consumption; creating the office of the meat and poultry inspection director; providing for inspection stamps and establishment numbers; providing penalties; providing exemptions for ritual slaughter.
NMVMA Supports

Animal Shelter Euthanasia and Database
Relating to animals; prohibiting an animal shelter from euthanizing or causing or soliciting the euthanasia of animals it shelters or temporarily houses; creating a website to search for missing pets; creating an initiative to help counties secure funding for low or no-cost spay and neuter programs; making an appropriation.
NMVMA Does Not Support

HB 384
Social Worker and Veterinarian Licensure
Relating to licensure; providing for expedited licensure of veterinarians and all license levels of social workers.

HB 452
Veterinarian as Health Care Practitioner
Includes veterinarians in the definition of “health care practitioner” for the purpose of making certain provision in health care practitioner agreements void, unenforceable and against public policy.

HB 474
Veterinary Loan Repayment Act
Relating to higher education; enacting the Veterinary Loan Repayment Act.
NMVMA Supports

Emergency Powers Code Changes
Relating to public health; enacting a new section of the emergency powers code; amending the Public Health Emergency Response Act; enacting a new section of the Public health Act; providing for automatic termination of a public health emergency order or a public health order that closes public emergency order or a public health order that closes public places or limits gatherings; providing for a renewal or amendment of a public health emergency order or a public health order by the legislature or by particular legislative leaders in certain circumstances; declaring and emergency

Temporary Suspension of Licensing Fees
Relating to licensure; providing for the temporary suspension of the collection of provisional and initial license fees for certain professions and occupations; requiring data collection and analysis to determine the efficacy of the suspension program; making an appropriation.

No Exotic Animals in Traveling Performances
Relating to exotic animals; prohibiting the use of exotic animals in traveling performances; providing for local enforcement.

SB 215
Establish Crime of Bestiality
Relating to crimes; creating the crimes of bestiality and aggravated bestiality; requiring registration as a sex offender; prescribing penalties.
NMVMA Supports

Uniform Licensing Act Changes
Relating to licensing; adding and clarifying definitions and provisions of the Uniform Licensing Act; clarifying provisions related to incomplete applications, hearings and expedited licensure; allowing virtual remote hearings and recording b digital technology; changing dates for actions related to hearings and decisions; allowing for summary suspension of a license or probation of a licensee; providing requirements for implementation and enforcement of compacts; increasing the penalty for unlicensed activity.

SB 271
Equine Definition
Relating to livestock, defining “Equine” and substituting that term for “horse”‘ revising procedures for equine strays; amending the Livestock Code and other sections of the NMSA 1978.

SB 291
CYFD Domestic Violence Victims and Animals
Making an appropriation to the Children, Youth and Families Department to fund a program that provides support for domestic violence victims and their animals.

SB 301
Free-Roaming Horses
Relating to animals; allowing fertility control, relocation and adoption of free-roaming horses under certain circumstances; allowing a free0roaming horse expert to control the population of free0roaming horses on certain land through certain methods; requiring the New Mexico Livestock Board to approve the qualification of a free0roaming horse expert; allowing the New Mexico Livestock Board to make rules regarding the approval of the qualifications of a free0raoming horse expert; prohibiting the slaughter or export for slaughter of free-roaming horses; providing a penalty.

SB 404
Veterinary Loan Repayment Act
Relating to higher education; enacting the veterinary loan repayment act; making an appropriation.
NMVMA Supports

SB 405
Food Accessibility
Relating to agriculture; enacting the Food Accessibility Act; exempting certain food sales from licensure; regulation and inspection requirements; allowing the acquisition of meat pursuant to ownership of an animal share; directing the establishment of a state meat inspection program; exempting meat from the gross receipts tax and governmental gross receipts tax; amending the Homeowner Association Act enacting a state preemption for political subdivisions prohibiting the adoption of bylaws, laws, policies of rules that prohibit the keeping of six or fewer chickens or ducks on a lot or premises; amending and enacting sections of the NMSA 1978. Declaring an emergency.