NMVMA Scholarships

The NMVMA currently has Memorial Scholarships at Colorado State University and Kansas State University.  Please contact the schools directly for application information. 

Colorado State University

Kansas State University

Make a Scholarship Contribution

The NMVMA can no longer accept contributions to the various NMVMA Memorial Scholarship Funds.  We encourage you however, to continue contributing directly to the schools of your choice!  In the past, your generosity has assisted numerous students from New Mexico and we hope to see more benefit from your consideration!

CSU Foundation
NMVMA Memorial Scholarship
Fund #44015
PO Box 1870
Ft. Collins, CO 80522

KSU Foundation
NMVMA Memorial Scholarship
Fund #V81527
2323 Anderson Ave Ste 500
Manhattan, KS 66502

UNM Foundation
NMVMA Scholarship
Fund #631450
Two Woodward Center
700 Lomas Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102