General Disaster Preparedness

Being prepared for disasters can save lives and reduce the impact on our community. NMVMA is dedicated to providing comprehensive disaster preparedness information for veterinarians, pet owners, and livestock managers. Here are some essential tips and resources to help you get ready for any emergency.

For Pet Owners:

#1. Create a Disaster Plan

  • Identify a safe location to take your pets during an evacuation.
  • Ensure you have carriers or crates for transportation.
  • Keep a list of pet-friendly hotels and shelters.

#2. Assemble a Pet Emergency Kit

  • Food and water for at least five days.
  • Medications and medical records.
  • First aid kit and grooming items.
  • Toys and comfort items.

#3. Identification

  • Ensure your pet has a collar with an ID tag.
  • Microchip your pet and keep the information up to date.
For Livestock Owners:

#1. Create a Disaster Plan

  • Develop an evacuation plan for your livestock.
  • Identify multiple evacuation routes and shelters that can accommodate livestock.

#2. Emergency Kit

  • Feed and water for at least five days.
  • Medical supplies and records.
  • Halters, leads, and trailers for transport.

#3. Identification

  • Use permanent identification methods like branding, ear tags, or microchips.
General Tips:

#1. Stay Informed

  • Sign up for emergency alerts in your area.
  • Keep a battery-powered radio to receive updates.

#2. Practice Your Plan

  • Conduct regular drills with your family and animals.
  • Review and update your plan annually.

#3. Get Involved

  • Join local emergency response groups.
  • Volunteer with organizations that assist during disasters.
Additional Resources:
  1. AVMA Disaster Preparedness Guide: Comprehensive guide for veterinarians and animal owners on preparing for various disasters. Read More
  2. gov: Offers extensive resources on emergency preparedness for individuals and families. Visit
  3. Pet Disaster Preparedness by Red Cross: Steps to ensure your pets are safe during emergencies. Learn More
  4. ASPCA Mobile App: Provides disaster preparation and safety tips, including a pet-friendly hotel locator. Download the App
  5. Humane Society’s Disaster Center: Resources to help pet owners prepare for disasters. Explore Resources

By staying prepared, we can ensure our animals’ and ourselves’ safety and well-being during emergencies. NMVMA is here to support you with the latest information and resources. For more detailed guides and updates, visit our Disaster Preparedness section at the top of our website.

Disclaimer: The information on this website comes from reputable sources to support veterinarians, livestock managers, and pet owners. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful content, NMVMA cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. Please use this information at your discretion.