Being prepared for disasters can save lives and reduce the impact on our community. NMVMA is dedicated to providing comprehensive disaster preparedness information for veterinarians, pet owners, and livestock managers. Here are some essential tips and resources to help you get ready for any emergency.
#1. Create a Disaster Plan
#2. Assemble a Pet Emergency Kit
#3. Identification
#1. Create a Disaster Plan
#2. Emergency Kit
#3. Identification
#1. Stay Informed
#2. Practice Your Plan
#3. Get Involved
By staying prepared, we can ensure our animals’ and ourselves’ safety and well-being during emergencies. NMVMA is here to support you with the latest information and resources. For more detailed guides and updates, visit our Disaster Preparedness section at the top of our website.
Disclaimer: The information on this website comes from reputable sources to support veterinarians, livestock managers, and pet owners. While we strive to provide accurate and helpful content, NMVMA cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. Please use this information at your discretion.